Last September, the country was torn apart by decades-old allegations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh as he headed into his Supreme Court confirmation hearing. Now, the recent frenzy around the possible impeachment of Donald Trump and the whistleblower report that started it has prompted the same kinds of questions. Which stories and which storytellers should we believe in our hyper-partisan era?
When one of America’s most influential and highly regarded jurists dies unexpectedly—a Jew and avowed atheist, a towering intellect who loved nothing more than a sappy Hollywood biopic enjoyed with buttered popcorn and a box of candy—where do you hold the memorial service?
What happens after you discover everything the criminal justice system had led you to believe was a lie?
Let’s give Betsy DeVos a chance to fix an Obama policy that didn’t work.
Obama’s Title IX regulations are on the chopping block under Trump. Here’s why it might be time to rethink them.
Donald Trump’s sex scandals have clearly hit a nerve. 11 women—from Jill Lepore to Eve Ensler—tell us whether the heated reaction is a sign of entrenchment or progress.
Yes, he gave Stanford rapist Brock Turner a break. But to recall him would be to overturn our legal system.
We are only beginning to glimpse the power of social media to create convulsive moments. Is the death penalty next?